Mittwoch, 19. März 2008

Tag der FranZoisischen Revolution – FranZois’ next Topmodels

Ou la la, ce sont des nymphs ultra – jolies. Ca doit pecher bien.

These Bodies look so good…

… riding upside down…

Some of u guys will wonder if one needs all this fuzz to catch a fish. Well, no. U can catch fish on a simple hare’s ear nymph, like almost always.

But this is a different approach. It’s thinking about and experimenting with fly patterns. Bringing progressive ideas to life and improving the fishing as well as the tying.

And the most important thing is sharing. Sharing knowledge is very important to develop our great sport in a positive way. Thank u FranZois.

So, und das hier ist mein erster Versuch.

Äh, sieht irgendwie "anders" aus. Ja, ja ich blick’s halt net, ich weiss. Aber deswegen üb' ich ja. Stay tuned.

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